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Across our provision, we recognise that you, as parents, are the most important people in your child's life. Your interest and encouragement are most welcome and promise to benefit your child throughout their life. A good relationship between parents and nursery staff will give your child the confidence to explore the experiences we offer in nursery.

Our staff see themselves as your partners in providing care and education for your child. We operate an open door policy where all children and families are valued. 

Parents are able to speak to staff regularly about their child in nursery and we are always here to help should a need arise or develop.​


Before children begin, we invite you in for a visit where we can start to gather information about your child. We ask parents to complete a form detailing about the child at home to allow us to build initial relationships. Parents will be introduced to their child's key worker as well at this point. Key worker relationships are particularly important when thinking about our under 3s where this bond can allow the children to feel more settled and at ease within the nursery.


We always love to hear about the child at home and encourage parents to send in photos or to complete a 'WOW' form for anything special achieved at home.

We warmly invite parents and families to join us for a range of activities during your child's time with us in nursery. Parental support is always welcome on our out of school visits which take place throughout the year.

Parents: As partners

Working together:

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