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Special Educational Needs/Disability


Policy and procedure:

Our policy takes into account the latest government guidance on special educational needs, disability and equality. 

During a child's time in our provision, the staff may have concerns about pupil progress, attainment or behaviour. Concerns may be brought to our attention through observation of the child accessing learning opportunities or the environment itself.

Where concerns are identified, parents will be invited in to discuss these further. Following the discussion, a period of monitoring and reviewing will take place with appropriate support implemented for the child. This will allow us to gather further evidence of any additional need, or needs, the child may be experiencing.

We may involve external agencies to support children, such as a speech and language therapist. Before any involvement, parents will be informed and kept apprised of any developments.


When children are assessed and identified with SEN, we will ensure that their needs are met and additional support given if required. Children with SEN will be taught and managed sensitively with a view to promoting their inclusion in all activities as far as can be reasonably arranged.


If a child's progress, attainment or behaviour is still cause for concern, after consultation with parents and other professionals, we will consider requesting an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) assessment from the local authority. This assessment will involve the parents from the start and put them at the centre of discussion about any additional needs and next steps.

The purpose of the plan is to make special educational provision to meet the needs of the child to secure the best possible outcomes.


Across our provision, every child is offered inclusive teaching and opportunities regardless of their particular needs. We believe that valuing uniqueness in every child will enable them to make the best possible progress. We have high high expectations of all children and staff and believe it is the entitlement of all children to have the opportunity to achieve their full potential.

Areas of need:

We recognise there are four broad areas of need:

  • Communication and interaction;

  • Cognition and learning;

  • Social, emotional and mental health difficulties;

  • Sensory and/or physical needs.

Key principles:

  • All staff have a responsibility for creating an inclusive environment for all children;

  • Children should be involved in their own learning - we take their views on board and communicate targets in child speak;

  • Parental partnerships are crucial in providing the best outcomes for all children;

  • Quality first teaching is the starting point for all children - meeting everyone's needs and having high expectations.



Every child is a different kind of flower and all together make this world a beautiful garden.

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